


  1. portaat (rakennuksen edessä)

Esimerkkejä perron sanan käytöstä:

Le chef de lÉtat a donné une mini-conférence de presse sur le perron de l’Élysée – Valtionpäämies piti minilehdistötilaisuuden Élysee-palatsin portailla.


englanti puhekieltä A stone block used as the base of a monument, marker, etc.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
hit wille be no worship for you to haue adoo with me / for ye are fressh and I am wounded sore / And therfor and ye wille nedes haue ado with me / Assigne me a day and thenne I shal mete with you withoute fayle / ye saye wel said sir Tristram / Now I assigne you to mete me in the medowe by the ryuer of Camelot / where Merlyon sette the peron
puhekieltä A platform outside the raised entrance to a church or large building, or the steps leading to such a platform.
platform on which passengers wait for a train: it is next to a spoor.
steps (to an entranceway), (l)
(l) (gloss)
block of stone


perron rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rhododendron, non-iron, moron

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