

  1. it-monikko|n|onn|e


englanti nun (gloss)
nun moth, black-arched moth (qualifier)
puhekieltä nun
(monikko) nonna|lang=it
puhekieltä not, expecting an affirmative answer

Non sum liber? non sum apostolus? nonne Iesum Dominum nostrum vidi?

Am I not free? am I not an apostle? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? (I Corinthians 9:1)

Nonne intellego intellegis?

You do understand, don't you?

Quid? Nonne sustulisti?

What? Haven't you (pl.) suffered?

Te dejectum debeo intellegere, etiamsi tactus non fueris: nonne

I ought to recognize you in this downcast state, even without touching you, oughtn't I?

Quid paulo ante dixerim, nonne meministi?

What I just said, don't you remember it?

puhekieltä if not, whether not

Cum esset ex eo quaesitum, Archelaum Perdiccae filium nonne beatum putaret.

When it should be asked of him whether he didn't consider Archelaus, son of Perdiccas, to be blessed.

Quaero a te, nonne putes?

I ask of you: don't you think so?

noon; midday
a nun


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jonne, tonne, juonne, sivujuonne, luonne, taistelijaluonne, taiteilijaluonne, peluriluonne, kansanluonne, erakkoluonne

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