


  1. ainoa

  2. yksinäinen

Esimerkkejä lone sanan käytöstä:

Texas is called the 'Lone' Star State because the flag of the State of Texas has only one star.

The bar was empty apart from a 'lone' drinker chatting with the bartender.

There is a 'lone' farm about two miles from here.

Liittyvät sanat: alone



  1. yksinäinen, ainoa, yksittäinen, yksinomainen, ainut, epäsosiaalinen, yksin.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




ainoa solitary Solitary; having no companion.


(w) (1714–1763)
When I have on those pathless wilds appeared, / And the lone wanderer with my presence cheered.
(RQ:RnhrtHpwd Bat)
The Bat—they called him the Bat.(nb..). He'd never been in stir, the bulls had never mugged him, he didn't run with a mob, he played a lone hand, and fenced his stuff so that even the fence couldn't swear he knew his face.
isolated Isolated or lonely; lacking companionship.
sole Sole; being the only one of a type.
situate Situated by itself or by oneself, with no neighbours.
(w) (1788-1824)
By a lone well a lonelier column rears.
puhekieltä Unfrequented by human beings; solitary.
(w) (1688-1744)
Thus vanish sceptres, coronets, and balls, / And leave you on lone woods, or empty walls.
puhekieltä single Single; unmarried, or in widowhood.
Collection of Records (1642)
Queen Elizabeth being a lone woman.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
A hundred mark is a long one for a poor lone woman to bear.
(monikko) loon|lang=af
(nl-verb form of)


lone rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kone, matkustajakone, aikakone, matematiikkakone, voimakone, vesivoimakone, lämpövoimakone, kuorimakone, puimakone, hiomakone

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