

  1. fi-s-taivm|i|ntention|intentio|y|gen

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Liittyvät sanat: intend



  1. tahtominen, tahto, aikomus, tavoite, päämäärä, tarkoitus, suunnitelma, aie, monikko, monikkomuoto.

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aie The goal or purpose behind a specific action or set of actions.


(w) (1709-1784) (but see Apocryhpha)
Hell is paved with good intentions.
(RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)
“My Continental prominence is improving,” I commented dryly. ¶ Von Lindowe cut at a furze bush with his silver-mounted rattan. ¶ “Quite so,” he said as dryly, his hand at his mustache. “I may say if your intentions were known your life would not be worth a curse.”
{{quote-book|year=1935|author= George Goodchild
puhekieltä tension Tension; straining, stretching.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), I.iii.3:
cold in those inner parts, cold belly, and hot liver, causeth crudity, and intention proceeds from perturbations ….
A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.
(w) (1632-1705)
Intention is when the mind, with great earnestness, and of choice, fixes its view on any idea.
puhekieltä The object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim.
1732, (w), An Essay Concerning the Nature of Ailments …, Prop. II, p.159:
In a Word, the most part of chronical Distempers proceed from Laxity of Fibres; in which Case the principal Intention is to restore the Tone of the solid Parts;(nb..).
puhekieltä Any mental apprehension of an object.
puhekieltä The process of the healing of a wound.
2007, Carie Ann Braun, ‎Cindy Miller Anderson, Pathophysiology: Functional Alterations in Human Health, p.49:
When healing occurs by primary intention, the wound is basically closed with all areas of the wound connecting and healing simultaneously.
taivutettu muoto
English intention

dans lintention de devenir roi''

with the intention of becoming king

(alternative form of)


intention rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion

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