


  1. de-v-taivm|hur|st

Liittyvät sanat: hursti.


englanti puhekieltä A wood or grove.
2000, Grazing Ecology and Forest History (ISBN 1845933060), page 150:
A blackthorn seedling can in this way expand into a hurst of 0,1-0, 5 ha in the space of 10 years, (..)
2010, Adam Nicolson, Sissinghurst: A Castles Unfinished History'', page 124:
A recognizable world seems to balloon up out of the names .... Lovehurst down in the clay lands towards Staplehurst means "the hurst that was left to someone in a will": Legacy Wood. Its near neighbor, Tolehurst, originally called Tunlafahirst, means something like Heir's Farm Wood.


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