

  1. kova (pehmeän vastakohtana)

  2. ankara, vaikea

  3. kuva kyseenalaistamaton

  4. vaikutukseltaan vahva; käynyt

  5. vedestä kova, mineraalipitoinen

Esimerkkejä hard sanan käytöstä:

hard as a rock

by the way, this is the hardest part

to learn the hard way – oppia vaikeuksien kautta, kovalla tavalla

as hard as nails – todella rankkaa

hard of hearing – huonokuuloinen

hard evidence

hard liquor – kova viina, vahva alkoholi

hard drugs – kovat huumeet

Oh dear, this juice got hard.

Katso myös: hardcore

Liittyvät sanat: soft



  1. vaikea, hankala, kuivahtanut, vanhentunut, väljähtynyt, väljähtänyt, kulunut, ummehtunut, kova, piittaamaton, tunteeton, kylmä, turta, ankara.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: hardware.






kovaa puhekieltä Having a severe property; presenting difficulty.
Resistant to pressure.


puhekieltä strong Strong.
puhekieltä High in dissolved chemical salts, especially those of calcium.
puhekieltä Having the capability of being a permanent magnet by being a material with high magnetic coercivity (compare soft).
Requiring a lot of effort to do or understand.
1988, An Oracle, Edmund White
Ray found it hard to imagine having accumulated so many mannerisms before the dawn of sex, of the sexual need to please, of the staginess sex encourages or the tightly capped wells of poisoned sexual desire the disappointed must stand guard over.
{{quote-magazine|date=2013-07-26|author=http://www.theguardian.com/profile/nick-miroff Nick Miroff
Demanding a lot of effort to endure.
severe Severe, harsh, unfriendly, brutal.
puhekieltä Difficult to resist or control; powerful.
(w) (1616-1704)
The stag was too hard for the horse.
(w) (1672-1719)
a power which will be always too hard for them
unquestionable Unquestionable.
{{quote-journal|date=December 19, 2011|author=Kerry Brown|work=The Guardian
puhekieltä Having a comparatively larger or a ninety-degree angle.
puhekieltä Sexually aroused.
puhekieltä Having muscles that are tightened as a result of intense, regular exercise.
plosive Plosive.
unvoiced Unvoiced
velarized Velarized or plain, rather than palatalized

(ux) in Russian is always hard.

puhekieltä Having a severe property; presenting a barrier to enjoyment.
Rigid in the drawing or distribution of the figures; formal; lacking grace of composition.
Having disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in colour or shading.
puhekieltä In the form of a hard copy.

We need both a digital archive and a hard archive.

puhekieltä With much force or effort.

He hit the puck hard up the ice.

They worked hard all week.

At the intersection, bear hard left.

The recession hit them especially hard.

Think hard about your choices.

prayed so hard for mercy from the prince
My father / Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself.
puhekieltä With difficulty.

His degree was hard earned.

The vehicle moves hard.

puhekieltä So as to raise difficulties.
Sir Thomas Browne
The question is hard set.
puhekieltä Compactly.

The lake had finally frozen hard.

puhekieltä near Near, close.
Bible, Acts xviii. 7
whose house joined hard to the synagogue
1999, (w), A Clash of Kings, Bantam 2011, page 418:
It was another long day's march before they glimpsed the towers of Harrenhal in the distance, hard beside the blue waters of the lake.
puhekieltä A firm or paved beach or slope convenient for hauling vessels out of the water.
puhekieltä crack cocaine.
puhekieltä (l), strong
puhekieltä (q) strong, not easily devalued
unquestionable, uncontestable

harde feiten: hard facts

puhekieltä heartless, unsympathetic
hardEnglish hard, difficult

een harde strijd: a difficult fight

puhekieltä harsh, heavy

harde straffen: harsh punishments

een harde regen: heavy rain

puhekieltä hardEnglish hard, rich in calcium
puhekieltä fast, swiftly

Ik heb een bekeuring gekregen omdat ik te hard heb gereden.

I got a ticket because I drove too fast.

puhekieltä loudly
(nl-verb form of)
puhekieltä hardcore

Des photos hards.

hardcore pictures.

hardcore pornography
(h-prothesis of)
(l) (not soft)
(l), stern, severe


"People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles."


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