


  1. läpi, aukko

  2. loma, väli

  3. kuva|k=en kuilu



  1. rako, aukko, tyhjä kohta, reikä, pussi, tasku, purkausväli, hammasloma, aukea, kolo.

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kuilu, juopa


murtaa An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.


An opening allowing passage or entrance.
An opening that implies a breach or defect.
A vacant space or time.
A hiatus.
A mountain or hill pass.
puhekieltä A sheltered area of coast between two cliffs (mostly restricted to place names).
puhekieltä The regions between the outfielders.
puhekieltä The shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item.
2008, Eileen Willis, Louise Reynolds, Helen Keleher, Understanding the Australian Health Care System, page 5,
Under bulk billing the patient does not pay a gap, and the medical practitioner receives 85% of the scheduled fee.
puhekieltä (usually written as "the gap") The disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc.
puhekieltä An unsequenced region in a sequence alignment.
puhekieltä To notch, as a sword or knife.
puhekieltä To make an opening in; to breach.
puhekieltä To check the size of a gap.
(alt form) (qual)
(nl-verb form of)
(jbo-rafsi of)
gapEnglish gap, empty space
w:Völuspá Vǫluspá, verse 3, lines 7-8, in 1860, T. Möbius, Edda Sæmundar hins fróða: mit einem Anhang zum Theil bisher ungedruckter Gedichte. Leipzig, page 1:
(..) gap var ginnunga, / en gras hvergi.
(..) gap was of void, / but grass nowhere.
puhekieltä shouting, crying, gab
Haralds saga herdráða 64, in 1868, C. R. Unger, w:Guðbrandur_Vigfússon G. Vigfússon, Flateyjarbok. Udg. efter offentlig foranstaltning, Volume 3. Christiania, page 425:
(..) þar uar suo mikit hareyste og gap (..)
(..) there was so much noise and gab (..)
puhekieltä bystander, passer-by


gap rimmaa näiden kanssa:

handicap, rap, trap, swap

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