


  1. sävelasteikko

  2. väriskaala

  3. kuva|k=en koko sarja, täysi sarja, koko skaala

Esimerkkejä gamut sanan käytöstä:

She underwent the "full 'gamut'" of treatment.

a whole 'gamut' of

The companys products run the 'gamut' from kitchen appliances to high-tech.



  1. kantomatka, kantama, toimintasäde, piiri, etäisyys, näkyvyysalue, alue, ulottuvuus, asteikko, kirjo, vaihtelunala, sävelasteikko, skaala.

Lisää synonyymejää



asteikko, vaihtelunala, kirjo A (normally) complete range.
19??, (w), review of (w) in the Broadway play (w)

She delivered a striking performance that ran the gamut of emotions, from A to B.
1922, (w), w:Jacobs Room|Jacob’s Room'' Chapter 2
The entire gamut of the view's changes should have been known to her; its winter aspect, spring, summer and autumn; how storms came up from the sea; how the moors shuddered and brightened as the clouds went over; she should have noted the red spot where the villas were building; and the criss-cross of lines where the allotments were cut...
puhekieltä All the notes in the musical scale.
All the colours available to a device such as a monitor or printer.


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