
Tarkoititko: durra

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englanti puhekieltä (en-simple past of)

Four and Twenty tailors went to kill a snail; the best man among them durst not touch her tail...

1595, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, w:A Midsummer Night's Dream|A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 2, Scene 2, lines 82-83
Pretty soul! She durst not lie / Near this lack-love, this kill-courtesy.
1634, w:John Fletcher (playwright)|John Fletcher and w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, w:The Two Noble Kinsmen|The Two Noble Kinsmen Act 3, Scene 2
That thou durst, Arcite!
1667, w:John Milton|John Milton, w:Paradise Lost|Paradise Lost Book I, line 49
Who durst defy th' omnipotent to arms.
1843, :w:Thomas Carlyle|Thomas Carlyle, :w:Past and Present (book)|Past and Present, book 2, ch. 6, Monk Samson
Coming home, therefore, I sat me down secretly under the Shrine of St. Edmund, fearing lest our Lord Abbot should seize and imprison me, though I had done no mischief; nor was there a monk who durst speak to me, nor a laic who durst bring me food except by stealth.
1883: w:Robert Louis Stevenson|Robert Louis Stevenson, w:Treasure Island|Treasure Island
Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr. Livesey were talking together on the quarter-deck, and, anxious as I was to tell them my story, I durst not interrupt them openly.
1896, w:A. E. Housman|A. E. Housman, w:A Shropshire Lad|A Shropshire Lad, XXX, lines 1-2:
Others, I am not the first,
Have willed more mischief than they durst


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