


  1. side, haavaside

  2. salaatinkastike, kastike

  3. lannoite

  4. pukeutuminen

Esimerkkejä dressing sanan käytöstä:

salad without dressing salaatti ilman kastiketta

Liittyvät sanat: sauce



  1. muuttaminen, sairaanhoito, lääkintähuolto, side, sidos, sitominen, muokkaus, laastari, lääkelaastari, peite, kompressi, haavaside.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



sidos, side


kastike puhekieltä material Material applied to a wound for protection or therapy.
{{quote-book|year=1913|author=w:Robert Barr (writer)|Robert Barr
A sauce, especially a cold one for salads.
Something added to the soil as a fertilizer etc.
The activity of getting dressed.
2004, Kathryn Banks, Joseph Harris, Exposure: Revealing Bodies, Unveiling Representations (page 182)

Considered thus, the performance is a translation into images of bodies on display, as is well demonstrated by Monsieur Jourdain's repeated dressings and undressings.
puhekieltä Dress; raiment; especially, ornamental habiliment or attire.


The stuffing of fowls, pigs, etc.; forcemeat.
Gum, starch, etc., used in stiffening or finishing silk, linen, and other fabrics.
An ornamental finish, such as a moulding around doors, windows, or on a ceiling.
puhekieltä Castigation; scolding; dressing down.
puhekieltä the process of extracting metals or other valuable components from minerals
(present participle of)
dressing room (small walk-in room off of a bedroom)
dressingEnglish dressing, a kind of sauce.


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leasing, franchising

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