

  1. avustaja, hoitaja, palvelija, apulainen, sotilaspalvelija.

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sotilaspalvelija puhekieltä A servant or valet to an army officer.
puhekieltä A unit of mass used in the Ottoman Empire and among Turkic peoples of the Russian Empire, the value of which varied from place to place throughout history. In the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century it was equal to six okas (16 poundNoun pounds 8 ounces avoirdupois; 7.484 kilograms), and when the Turkish system of weights and measures was metricated in 1931 the oka was fixed at 1 kilogram and the batman at 10 okas (10 kilograms).
a w:spiny orb-weaver|spiny orb-weaver; a common name of the spider spiders in the genus Gasteracantha
puhekieltä A unit of weight formerly used in the Ottoman period.


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bataatti, batikki, batisti, batistinen, batonki, baudi

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