

  1. kahdeksankymmentäkuusi, lxxxvi.

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86 the number eighty-six
puhekieltä To cancel an order for food.

"86 the ham and eggs for table two!"

puhekieltä To remove an item from the menu.

86 the lobster bisque – we won’t have the lobster delivery until tomorrow.

"Yes, I’d like the tomato soup." / "I’m sorry sir, that’s been 86ed – would you like a salad instead?"

puhekieltä To throw out; discard.

"We finally had to 86 that old printer after it jammed one too many times."

puhekieltä To deny service to.

"The restaurant 86ed us because we didnt fit the dress code."''

1995, w:Leaving Las Vegas|Leaving Las Vegas, 00:10:40:
(Ben Sanderson, speaking to a bartender) -- "Please, serve me today, and I'll never come in here again. If I do, you can 86 me."

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