Liittyvät sanat: -maalinen, -maastoinen, -mahainen, -maineinen, -markkanen, -mastoinen.


englanti occurring in Dutch surnames of Frisian origin, ma is probably a shortened form of the old Frisian genitive plural -monna, 'the men's'. After this suffix had fallen into disuse in the Frisian language, it came to be considered as a suffix to form family names.
(non-gloss definition)


miehen ajama autocar driven by the man

puhekieltä Added to a word to form a noun.


Added to adjectives (sometimes to nouns) to form abstract nouns, especially those referring to the state or property that corresponds to the original adjective (like, e.g., Eng. (m)).



-ma rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ma, laama, naama, kalpeanaama, pisamanaama, kovanaama, karvanaama, pallinaama, pokerinaama, hapannaama

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