
Tarkoititko: -intoinen

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti puhekieltä (n-g)

Adamsite, Campbellite, Jacobite, laborite, Mansonite, Reaganite, Thatcherite


Ephraimite, Hamite, Japhetite, Lamanite

(quote-book)|by=(w)|title=(w)|section=s:Book of Mormon/4 Nephi1:17|4 Nephi 1:17

Brooklynite, Jerusalemite, New Jerseyite, Seattleite, Sydneyite, Wyomingite

andalusite, anorthosite, anthracite, erythrite, forsterite, graphite, hawleyite, titanite

ammonite, belemnite

dendrite, somite

Bakelite, cordite, dynamite, ebonite, metabolite, vulcanite

bromite, chlorite, iodite, phosphite, sulfite

forming adjectives
puhekieltä -itis
(l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l)
Used with a stem to form the feminine plural past participle of regular -ire verbs
Used with a stem to form the second-person plural present and imperative of regular -ire verbs
(inflection of)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


-ite rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rei'ite, haite, laite, atk-laite, analogialaite, kukkalaite, tukkalaite, vitkalaite, salamalaite, paineilmalaite

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