
Tarkoititko: -eleinen

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Liittyvät sanat: -eleinen, -eleisesti, -eleisyys.


englanti Suffix forming nouns, originally denoting an agent, from verbs, usually spelt (m) except after n and e.

(m), (m), (m)

Diminutive suffix in words of Germanic origin.

(m), (m), (m)

Suffix, originally diminutive, in words of mostly Romance origin.
Used on verbs, together with the prefix k-, to indicate that the first person singular (I) is the actor and the second person singular (you) is the object of the verb.


I love


I love you (singular)

(non-gloss definition) -al


in ... way

-el is the ending for correlatives of manner or degree

To make an adjectival form of a noun; -al

naturel from nature

puhekieltä Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs ending in s, sz, z, dz (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation).


puhekieltä Added to a noun to form a verb.
puhekieltä Added to a verb to form a noun (no longer productive in this role).
Suffix forming nouns originally denoting an agent from verbs.
A suffix that describes a male person (or other creature) in terms of a place of origin or a quality, as defined by the root to which it is added. Now often replaced by a compound with Jung for a male person, and Deern for a female person such as Lehrjung, Lehrdeern (male/female pupil).
makes an adjectival form of a noun; -al
(alternative form of)
puhekieltä agent and instrumental suffix creating nouns from verbs

crypel "cripple", from creopan crēopan "to creep"

bydel "herald, messenger", from beodan bēodan "to command"

spitel "shovel", from spittan "to dig"

hlædel "ladle", from hladan "to lade"

þripel þrīpel "instrument of punishment, cross", from (m) "to reprove, reprehend"

Suffix that usually denotes a masculine noun
used to form a masculine diminutive of a word (e.g. (suffixusex)
(non-gloss definition)


-el rimmaa näiden kanssa:

askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel

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