Tarkoititko: 4H-kerho

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englanti (n-g)

6–10 years (read as “six to ten years”)

Things to buy:

Toilet paper



Used in a compound term when the constituent parts are already hyphenated.

high-priority–high-pressure tasks

Used to hide letters

G–d for God

Used to connect compound terms with the sense of "to" or to show a relationship

The Boston–Washington race

blood–brain barrier

Used to replace two zeroes after the decimal point in monetary values in running text (in tables, the em dash — is used).

Dieses Gerät kostet 12,– DM.

Used to replace a zero before the decimal point, i. e. for monetary values below 1.

Diese Packung Milch kostet –,89 DM.


rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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