
Tarkoititko: öylätti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti in (+ locative case)
Non-standard form of во
The twenty-sixth letter of the Ossetian alphabet
The twenty-first letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is (m) and it has the sound of English oo in soon. It is preceded by (m) and followed by (m).
Roman letter U, u
The Cyrillic letter (m), (m).
Wu (qualifier)
at, by, near


in the possession of (qualifier)
(qualifier) in, at (without change of position, answering the question (m)/(m))

бити у школи — to be in the school

у ц(иј)елом друштву — in the whole society

(qualifier) to, into (with change of position, answering the question (m))

ићи у школу — to go to school

путовати у Америку — to travel to America

(qualifier) on, in, at, during (in expressions concerning time)

у подне — at noon

у ср(иј)еду — on Wednesday

у зору — at dawn

У колико сати? — At what time?

(qualifier) in, during (in expressions concerning time)

у једном дану — in one day

у младости — during one's youth

Ehdota määritelmää