
Tarkoititko: öylätti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti (non-gloss definition), ofPreposition of, 'sParticle|'s


(non-gloss definition), toPreposition to (qualifier)
(non-gloss definition), ofPreposition of
(non-gloss definition)
positioned at the upper surface of, within the limits of, onPreposition on, uponPreposition on, atPreposition at, inPreposition in
(non-gloss definition), toPreposition to, onPreposition on
(non-gloss definition), in the direction of, and arriving at, onPreposition on, toPreposition to, forPreposition for
(non-gloss definition), forPreposition for
(non-gloss definition), onPreposition on, atPreposition at, inPreposition in (qualifier)
(non-gloss definition), toPreposition to
(non-gloss definition), withPreposition with, inPreposition in
(non-gloss definition), atPreposition at
(non-gloss definition), atPreposition at (qualifier)
(non-gloss definition), byPreposition by
(non-gloss definition), perPreposition per, byPreposition by, aPreposition a
(non-gloss definition), inPreposition in, intoPreposition into, byPreposition by
(non-gloss definition), byPreposition by, inPreposition in
(non-gloss definition), toPreposition to, intoPreposition into
nearPreposition near, close toPreposition|close to
(non-gloss definition), inPreposition in
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
on (qualifier)
on, at (qualifier)
to (qualifier)
puhekieltä here you are (handing someone something)
onto, on
into, in
to, toward
(qualifier) for
about, for
on, upon
in, at
with, for
here! (said when giving someone something, i.e., "take it!")
puhekieltä (l), (l), (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l), (l), (l) (gloss)/(m)
here you are|Here you are! Take it!
help yourself|Help yourself!
puhekieltä no


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suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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