
Tarkoititko: öylätti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti used to indicate the place someone or something is going to or toward, forPreposition for, toPreposition to


used to indicate an amount of time, forPreposition for, inPreposition in, duringPreposition during
used to indicate the time when something is arranged or intended to happen, forPreposition for
used to show the occasion when something happens, forPreposition for
used to indicate the order of occurrence of an action or event, forPreposition for
used to indicate the time that a statement refers to, forPreposition for
used to indicate the part of something/somebody that is held, grasped, etc. or to show that something is attached to something else, byPreposition by, toPreposition to
on the subject of somebody/something, in connection with somebody/something, aboutPreposition about
used to indicate the person that a statement refers to, forPreposition for, toPreposition to
used to indicate the person who should use or have something, forPreposition for
used to indicate the thing that something is meant to be used with, forPreposition for
used to indicate the use of something, forPreposition for
used to indicate purpose, forPreposition for, toParticle to + infinitive
used to indicate a reason or cause, forPreposition for
in order to help somebody/something, forPreposition for, ofPreposition of
in order to get (something), forPreposition for
in support of somebody/something, forPreposition for
used to indicate the person or thing toward which feelings, thoughts, etc., are directed, forPreposition for
in exchange for something, forPreposition for
as an employee, member, player, etc., of something, forPreposition for
considering what can be expected from somebody/something, forPreposition for
used with certain verbs
used in certain wishes

купив Купив подарок за брат ти.

I bought a gift for your brother.


веќе Веќе не зборуваме за тебе.

Were not talking about you any more.''

(of location, + instrumental case) behind; beyond; on the other side of
(of motion, + accusative case) to
(of time, + accusative case) during (gloss)
(of time, + accusative case with до) time before an event


(+ accusative case) for; to; by; after; over
(+ accusative case) instead of
(of voting, + accusative case) in favor of
(+ instrumental case) at; while
(with accusative) for
(with instrumental) behind, in back of, at (without change of poisition, answering the question (m)/(m))
(with genitive) during
(with accusative) to, towards
(with accusative) in (in expressions with time)
(with accusative) by

вући за уши — to pull by the ears

(with accusative) for, as (with verbs denoting naming, appointing, declaring, considering etc.)
(with instrumental) after

један за другим — one after the another

правити грешку за грешком — to make one error after the another, to make errors repeatedly

поновите за мном — repeat after me

(with instrumental) for

туговати за неким — to grieve for somebody

чезнути за срећом — to yearn for happiness


за rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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