Liittyvät sanat: city, citykulttuuri.


englanti puhekieltä A citizen; a townsman, city dweller.
1714, (w), (w)
... the women of quality are frightened to see merchants wives and daughters dressed like themselves: this impudence of the city, they cry, is intolerable; mantua-makers are sent for, and the contrivance of fashions becomes all their study, that they may have always new modes ready to take up, as soon as those saucy cits shall begin to imitate those in being.
1856, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, The Piazza
Not forgotten are the blue noses of the carpenters, and how they scouted at the greenness of the cit, who would build his sole piazza to the north.
*1911, (w), Zuleika Dobson:
“If, when that war was declared, every one had been sure that not only should we fail to conquer the Transvaal, but that IT would conquer US … how would the cits have felt then?”
(conjugation of)
(jbo-rafsi of)


  • citi: keskusta

  • City: Hufvudstadsbladet

  • Rättäri: Citroen CV-auto

  • Sitikka: Citroen-auto : Se oli sellanen Rätti-Sitikka.


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