


  1. ryppy



  1. vaikeus, pieni vastoinkäyminen, vika, virhe, painuma, painanne, painauma, ryppy, juonne, uurre, kurttu, naururyppy, naururypyt, ihopiena.

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vika, pieni vastoinkäyminen, virhe A small furrow, ridge or crease in an otherwise smooth surface.
A line or crease in the skin, especially when caused by age or fatigue.

Spending time out in the sun may cause you to develop wrinkles sooner.

A fault, imperfection or bug especially in a new system or product; typically, they will need to be iron out|ironed out.

Three months later, were still discovering new wrinkles.''

puhekieltä A notion or fancy; a whim.

to have a new wrinkle

puhekieltä To make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles.

Be careful not to wrinkle your dress before we arrive.

Alexander Pope
her wrinkled form in black and white arrayed
puhekieltä To pucker or become uneven or irregular.

An hour in the tub will cause your fingers to wrinkle.

puhekieltä To develop irreversibly wrinkles; to age.

The skin is the substance that wrinkles, shows age, stretches, scars and cuts.

puhekieltä To sneer (at).


puhekieltä A winkle


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