


  1. tukko, tukku; nippu

  2. tuppo

  3. BrE|k=en arkikieli voileipä, sämpylä tms. käsin syötävä

  4. mälli

  5. slangi|alatyyli|k=en mälli, siemenneste

Esimerkkejä wad sanan käytöstä:

Wipe the axle with a 'wad' of waste.

'wads' of hair

She held up a 'wad' of documents as proof.

Ive got a big 'wad' of cash to spend - Minulla on iso 'tukko' rahaa tuhlattavaksi.

He makes 'wads' of money nowadays.

'wad' of cotton - pumpulituppo

tea and 'wads'

a 'wad' of gum

The cowboy spat out a 'wad' of tobacco.

Liittyvät sanat: wadder , wadding



  1. suupala, murunen, mälli, purutupakka, tupakkalevy, keskimääräistä suurempi, nippu, paljon, parvi, runsaasti, huomattavasti, hatullinen, läjä, suuri määrä, iso, vuori, kasapäin, röykkiö, iso kasa, aikamoisesti, liuta, koko joukko, tukku, läjäpäin, kasa, kasoittain, keko, roppakaupalla, tulva, vedenpaisumus, ryöppy, vyöry, heinäpaali, aine, aines, tuppo.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







puristaa An amorphous, compact mass.

Our cat loves to play with a small wad of paper.

A substantial pile (normally of money).

With a wad of cash like that, she should not have been walking round Manhattan

A soft plug or seal, particularly as used between the powder and pellets in a shotgun cartridge.
puhekieltä A sandwich.
puhekieltä An ejaculation of semen.
(quote-book)|year=2003|page=70|isbn=978-1-55583-755-6|passage=It's a strange thing this yellow liquid, the bodily fluid of a stranger. What was he thinking when he shot his wad? Is he somewhere now wondering about his sperm? Is he at this very moment wondering if a woman somewhere is inseminating with his seed? Well, we are! Here we are in Boston, and we are!
(quote-book)|year=2001|page=44|isbn=978-0-299-17130-8|passage=When a man "blows his wad," at least two different things could have occurred: he either spent or lost all his money in a wager (his wad), or he spent or ejaculated his sperm (his wad). Thorne goes on to suggest that since at least the 1950s "blow," in this context, is a euphemism for "ejaculate."
(quote-book)|year=2008|page=490|isbn=978-1-4343-5666-6|passage=Grabbing hold of his throbbing organ, he started to turn away from her, had second thoughts, and proceeded to shoot his wad, ejaculate all over the sweating, sultry body that was stretched out, languishing at his feet.
puhekieltä Any black manganese oxide or hydroxide mineral rich rock in the oxidized zone of various ore deposits.
To crumple or crush into a compact, amorphous shape or ball.

She wadded up the scrap of paper and threw it in the trash.

puhekieltä To wager.
To insert or force a wad into.

to wad a gun

To stuff or line with some soft substance, or wadding, like cotton.

to wad a cloak

mud flat
puhekieltä English wad (manganese ore)

wad gaŋani : I went (wad 'go', ga- 'past tense', -ŋa- 'I', -ni 'movement')

puhekieltä would


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