


  1. kilpikonna

  2. AmE|k=en arkikieli (= turtleneck) poolokaulus; poolopaita

Liittyvät sanat: snapping turtle



  1. Chelonia-lahkoon kuuluva, Chelonia-lahkoon kuuluva matelija, merikilpikonna, kilpikonna, näykkijäkilpikonna, liejukilpikonna, maakilpikonna.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



kilpikonna, merikilpikonna

kääntyä ympäri, kellahtaa

kilpikonnakaulus puhekieltä Any land or marine reptile of the order (l), characterised by a protective shell enclosing its body. See also (l).
puhekieltä A marine reptile of that order; a sea turtle.
puhekieltä An Ancient Roman attack method, where the shields held by the soldiers hide them, not only left, right, front and back, but also from above.
puhekieltä A type of robot having a domed case (and so resembling the reptile), used in education, especially for making line drawings by means of a computer program.
puhekieltä An on-screen cursor that serves the same function as a turtle for drawing.
1997, Brian Harvey, Computer Science Logo Style: Symbolic computing

Depending on which version of Logo you have, the turtle may look like an actual animal with a head and four legs or — as in Berkeley Logo — it may be represented as a triangle.
puhekieltä The curved plate in which the form is held in a type-revolving cylinder press.
puhekieltä A small element towards the end of a list of items to be bubble sorted, and thus tending to take a long time to be swapped into its correct position. Compare (m).
A breakdancing move consisting of a float during which the dancer's weight shifts from one hand to the other, producing rotation or a circular "walk".
To flip over onto the back or top; to turn upside down.
1919, Iowa Highway Commission, Service Bulletin, Issues 15-32‎, page 48
Were speeding when car turtled (..)Auto crashed into curb and turtled.
To turn and swim upside down.
2009, Amy Waeschle, Chasing Waves: A Surfers Tale of Obsessive Wandering‎'', page 149
I turtled my board beneath it, flipped upright, and started paddling again.
To hunt turtles, especially in the water.
1973, Bernard Nietschmann, Between Land and Water: The Subsistence Ecology of the Miskito Indians, page 153
Of these, 80 turtled (65%), 26 hunted and turtled (20%), and 18 hunted (15%).
puhekieltä To build up a large defense force and strike only punctually, rather than going for an offensive strategy.
puhekieltä A turtle dove.
1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, IV.8:
The same he tooke, and with a riband new, / In which his Ladies colours were, did bind / About the turtles neck (..).


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