

  1. videopelin tai sen osan pelaaminen läpi mahdollisimman nopeasti, nopeuspelaaminen


englanti puhekieltä A playthrough of a computer or video game in which the whole game or a select part of it, such as a individual level|single level, is played with the intent of completing it as quickly as possible, optionally with certain prerequisite prerequisites.

In the speedrun of w:Super Mario Bros. 3|Super Mario Bros. 3, Anonymous Jones finishes the whole video game|game in just 11 minutes.

To create a speedrun.

In my most recent attempt to speedrun w:Super Mario Bros. 3|Super Mario Bros. 3, I almost managed to beat Richard Uretas record.''


speedrun rimmaa näiden kanssa:

laidun, riistalaidun, karjanlaidun, luonnonlaidun, peltolaidun, lammaslaidun, mehiläislaidun, viljelyslaidun, kesälaidun, kuhun

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