

  1. (ainesana) nuuska

  2. karsi



  1. väri-, nuuskanvärinen, nuuskanruskea, haistaminen, haistelu, nuuhkaisu, nuuhkaus, nuuskaus, ripaus, sipaus, häivähdys, muru, hyppysellinen, hitunen, piste, hiven, aavistus, vetää henkeä, inhaloida, hengittää sisään, nuuskata, nuuskia.

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nuuskata, nuuskia

nuuskanvärinen finely Finely grind ground or pulverized tobacco intended for use by being sniffed or snorted into the nose.
Fine-ground or minced tobacco, dry or moistened, intended for use by placing a pinch behind the lip or beneath the tongue; see also snus.
1896, Universal Dictionary of the English Language:

Dry snuffs are often adulterated with quicklime, and moist snuffs, as rappee, with ammonia, hellebore, pearl-ash, etc.
A snort or sniff of fine-ground, powdered, or pulverized tobacco.
The act of briskly inhale inhaling by the nose; a sniff, a snort.
resentment Resentment or skepticism expressed by quickly drawing air through the nose; snuffling; sniffling.
puhekieltä snot Snot, mucus.
puhekieltä smell Smell, scent, odour.
To inhale through the nose.
He snuffs the wind, his heels the sand excite.
(RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)
Napoleon paced to and fro in silence, occasionally snuffing at the ground.
To turn up the nose and inhale air, as an expression of contempt; hence, to take offence.
Bishop Hall
Do the enemies of the church rage and snuff?
The burning part of a candle wick, or the black, burnt remains of a wick (which has to be periodically removed).
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), II.3.3:
his memory stinks like the snuff of a candle when it is put out ….
Jonathan Swift
If the burning snuff happens to get out of the snuffers, you have a chance that it may fall into a dish of soup.
puhekieltä Leavings in a glass after drinking; heeltaps.
puhekieltä A murder.
2004, David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
The cops are chasing their own asses on the St Christopher case, so how about a “Are You St Christopher's Next Slaying?” piece? Profiles of all the snuffs to date and reconstructions of the victims' last minutes.
puhekieltä A form of pornographic film which involves someone's actually being murdered.
To extinguish a candle or oil lamp|oil-lamp flame by covering the burning end of the wick until the flame is suffocated.
puhekieltä To trim the burnt part of a candle wick.
1817, w:Jane Austen|Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey,
The dimness of the light her candle emitted made her turn to it in alarm; but there was no danger of its sudden extinction, it had yet some hours to burn; and that she might not have any greater difficulty in distinguishing the writing than what its ancient date might occasion, she hastily snuffed it. Alas! it was snuffed and extinguished in one.
puhekieltä To kill a person; to snuff out.
(l) (gloss)


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