

  1. approksimointi, arvio, käsitys.

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tunteeton, tyly, kylmä

kylmä, jännitteetön


tarpeeton, vanhentunut, käyttämätön



täsmälleen, tismalleen, suoraan

sairaan, kuoleman-

yösydän, sydäntalvi">in compounds: yösydän, sydäntalvi sydän

kuollut|alt=kuolleet|p, vainaja|alt=vainajat|p puhekieltä No longer living.


puhekieltä Figuratively, not alive; lacking life.
(quote-book)|title=(w)|section=Act III, Scene 3|passage=When a man's verses cannot be understood, nor a man's good wit seconded with the forward child, understanding, it strikes a man more dead than a great reckoning in a little room.
puhekieltä So hated that they are absolutely ignored.

I will think of you as dead, until my husband makes you that way. Then I will think of you no longer. - Mary, w:Rob Roy (1995 film)|Rob Roy

Without emotion.
Stationary; static.


Without interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.
puhekieltä Completely inactive; without power; without a signal.
puhekieltä broken Broken or inoperable.
puhekieltä No longer used or required.
puhekieltä Not in play.
puhekieltä Lying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next stroke.
puhekieltä Tagged out.
puhekieltä Full and complete.
puhekieltä Exact.
Experiencing pins and needles (paresthesia).

After sitting on my hands for a while, my arms became dead.

puhekieltä (Certain to be) in big trouble.
Constructed so as not to transmit sound; soundless.
puhekieltä Bringing death; deadly.


puhekieltä Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property.
puhekieltä Not imparting motion or power.
puhekieltä exact Exactly right.

dead right; dead level; dead flat; dead straight; dead left

He hit the target dead in the centre.

puhekieltä very Very, absolutely, extremely, suddenly.

dead wrong; dead set; dead serious; dead drunk; dead broke; dead earnest; dead certain; dead slow; dead sure; dead simple; dead honest; dead accurate; dead easy; dead scared; dead solid; dead black; dead white; dead empty;

As if dead.

dead tired; dead quiet; dead asleep; dead pale; dead cold; dead still

(rfdate) (w)
I was tired of reading, and dead sleepy.
(senseid)puhekieltä Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.

The dead of night. The dead of winter.

puhekieltä Those who have died.

Have respect for the dead.

puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead ἀπέθανεν in vain." Galatians 2:21, King James Version (1611).
puhekieltä To prevent by disabling; stop.
1826, The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Edward Reynolds, Lord Bishop of Norwich, collected by Edward Reynolds, Benedict Riveley, and Alexander Chalmers. pp. 227. London: B. Holdsworth.
“What a man should do, when finds his natural impotency dead him in spiritual works”
puhekieltä To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.
Heaven's stern decree, / With many an ill, hath numbed and deaded me.
puhekieltä To kill.
2006, Leighanne Boyd, Once Upon A Time In The Bricks (page 178)
This dude at the club was trying to kill us so I deaded him, and then I had to collect from Spice.
2008, Marvlous Harrison, The Coalition (page 106)
“What, you was just gonna dead him because if that's the case then why the fuck we getting the money?” Sha asked annoyed.


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