

  1. annostelija, jakelulaite, korsetti.

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roll-on puhekieltä Applied by means of a ball that can be rotated to pick up liquid from the inner reservoir.
puhekieltä A type of corset which is rolled on to the body.
1997, Marianne Thesander, The Feminine Ideal, p. 139:

Roll-ons and lastex corsets in tube form were a lighter type of corset mostly worn by young women and under summer clothes.
2007, Michele Hanson, The Guardian, 6 Nov 2007:
We've had ... the Dior padded hips and bosoms, bustles for big bums, roll-ons for flat bums, and who remembers Sabrina in the 50s? She had to be hour-glass shape.
A cosmetic product (especially a deodorant) applied by means of a ball at the head of a container, which rolls the product on to the skin etc.
1999, Laura Craik, The Guardian, 16 Jul 1999:
I never minded aerosols. But in the interests of the environment, I changed to roll-ons.




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bourbon, radon, neon, argon, tuohon, stadion, olympiastadion, uimastadion, moottoristadion

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rokotustodistus, rokuli, rokulipäivä, roll-on, rollaattori, romaani

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