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  1. juridiikka, laki.

Lisää synonyymejää




julkinen, julkisoikeudellinen

yleinen, julkinen


yleisö Able to be seen or known by everyone; open to general view, happening without concealment. (defdate)
2011, Sandra Laville, The Guardian, 18 Apr 2011:

Earlier this month Godwin had to make a public apology to the family of Daniel Morgan after the collapse of a £30m inquiry into his murder in 1987.
Pertaining to all the people as a whole (as opposed a private group); concerning the whole country, community etc. (defdate)
2010, Adam Vaughan, The Guardian, 16 Sep 2010:
A mere 3% of the more than 1,000 people interviewed said they actually knew what the conference was about. It seems safe to say public awareness of the Convention on Biological Awareness in Nagoya - and its goal of safeguarding wildlife - is close to non-existent.
{{quote-magazine|date=2013-05-17|author=George Monbiot|authorlink=George Monbiot
Officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the state on behalf of the community. (defdate)
2004, The Guardian, Leader, 18 Jun 2004:
But culture's total budget is a tiny proportion of all public spending; it is one of the government's most visible success stories.
Open to all members of a community; especially, provided by national or local authorities and supported by money from taxes. (defdate)
2011, David Smith, The Guardian, 10 May 2011:
Some are left for dead on rubbish tips, in refuge bags or at public toilets.
puhekieltä trade Traded publicly via a stock market.
The people in general, regardless of membership of any particular group.

Members of the public may not proceed beyond this point.

{{quote-book|year=1905|author=w:Emma Orczy|Baroness Emmuska Orczy
2007 May 4, Martin Jacques, w:The Guardian|The Guardian
Bush and Blair stand condemned by their own publics and face imminent political extinction.
puhekieltä A public house; an inn.


(l) (people in general)

Il devait plaire à son public.

He had to please his audience

(monikko) publich|lang=lld
(l) (not private; available to the general populace)
the (l)


  • "Kun pärjään hyvin, minusta tuntuu hyvältä. Kun pärjään huonosti, minusta tuntuu pahalta. Se on uskontoni." "

  • "Terve järki on kokoelma ennakkoluuloja, jotka ihminen hankkii ennen kahdeksantoista vuoden ikää." "

  • "Älä kuluta arvokasta aikaasi kysymällä: "Miksi maailma ei ole parempi paikka" Se on ainoastaan ajan tuhlaamista. Oikea kysymys on: "Miten voin tehdä maailmasta paremman" Siihen kysymykseen löytyy vastaus." "

  • "Vapautta on vain siellä, missä ihmiset pitävät huolta hallinnosta." "

  • "Me kohtaamme nyt valtioita, kuten Venäjä, jotka ovat valmiita käyttämään energiavarojaan politiikan välineenä."


public|public rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aerobic, chic, picnic, tic

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