


  1. prostituoitu

Liittyvät sanat: prostitution



  1. puhelintyttö, ilotyttö, leirihuora, vihollisten prostituutioon pakottama nainen, ianfu, puolimaailman nainen, prostituoitu, kokotti, huora, portto, säädytön nainen, hutsu, rakastajatar, nautinnonantaja, katunainen, lunttu, lumppu, nainen, aikuinen nainen.

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huorata, toimia prostituoituna, myydä itseään

ilotyttö, prostituoitu A person, especially a woman, who has sexual intercourse or engages in other sexual activity for payment.
2012, Kelly Olson, Dress and the Roman Woman: Self-Presentation and Society (page 50)

Unfortunately, there is to my knowledge no visual evidence for the dress of the Roman prostitute, but the literary sources present us with a range of prostitute clothing (from rich accoutrements all the way down to nothing), (..)
puhekieltä A person who is perceived as engaging in sexual activity with many people.
A person who does, or offers to do, an activity for money, despite personal dislike or dishonour.
puhekieltä To perform sexual activity for money.
puhekieltä To make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves.
Bible, Leviticus xix. 29
Do not prostitute thy daughter.
puhekieltä To use one's talents in return for money or fame.
puhekieltä To exploit for base purposes; to whore.

Yet again a commercial firm had prostituted a traditional song by setting an advertising jingle to its tune.

(monikko) prostituta|lang=it
(inflection of)


prostitute rimmaa näiden kanssa:

saastute, istute, kostute

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