

  1. yritys, vaivannäkö, pyrkimys, ponnistus, kokeilu, rasitus, pyhä sota.

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ponnistus A mental or physical effort to attain a specific goal; a striving.
1833, James O' Beirne, New Views on the Process of Defecation, and Their Application to the Pathology and Treatment of Diseasesof the Stomach, Bowels, and Other Organs, quoted in 1833, John Johnson (editor), The Medico-Chirurgical Review, New Series: Volume 19 (Volume 23 of the Analytical Series), page 7,

The evacuation of the rectum and bladder being completed, immediately the nisus ceases, the rectum and the sphincters return to their former state of contraction, the diaphragm reascends, carrying with it and restoring to their proper situations the liver, the stomach, the spleen, the small intestines, the cæcum, and the ascending, tranverse and descending portions of the colon.
1992, J.G. Hart, The Person and the Common Life: Studies in a Husserlian Social Ethics, page 363,
The godly personality of a higher order, as the telos of the nisus of moral categoriality, is the sensus plenior of the nisus to a universal communalization of perspectives.
2006, Errol E. Harris, Reflections on the Problem of Consciousness, page 158,
The immanent nisus to completion, therefore, drives the complex to the explication of its internal relations so that they become recognizable as such.
The periodic procreative desire manifested in the spring by birds, etc.
The contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to evacuate faeces or urine.
(alternative form of)
pressure (downward push)


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