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  1. ahdistaja, aloittajariidan, sodan tms., hyökkääjä, päällekarkaaja.

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englanti puhekieltä The period between sunset and sunrise, when a location faces far away from the sun, thus when the sky is dark.


(RQ:RnhrtHpwd Bat)
The Bat—they called him the Bat. Like a bat he chose the night hours for his work of rapine; like a bat he struck and vanished, pouncingly, noiselessly; like a bat he never showed himself to the face of the day.
{{quote-magazine|date=2013-07-19|author= Ian Sample
puhekieltä An evening or night spent at a particular activity.
puhekieltä A night (and part of the days before and after it) spent in a hotel or other accommodation.
puhekieltä nightfall Nightfall.
puhekieltä darkness Darkness.
puhekieltä A dark blue colour, midnight blue.

(color panel)

puhekieltä A night's worth of competitions, generally one game.


  • "One night|twelfth in Paris... en tarkoittanut Paris Hiltonia kuitenkaan."

  • "Good night|twelfth Irene! "(Hyvää yötä Irene!)"

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