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olla ymmärtämättä


epäonnistuminen puhekieltä To fail to hit.

I missed the target.

I tried to kick the ball, but missed.

(w) (1561-1626)
Men observe when things hit, and not when they miss.
(w) (1606-1687)
Flying bullets now, / To execute his rage, appear too slow; / They miss, or sweep but common souls away.
puhekieltä To fail to achieve or attain.

to miss an opportunity

(w) (1632-1705)
When a man misses his great end, happiness, he will acknowledge he judged not right.
puhekieltä To feel the absence of someone or something, sometimes with regret.

I miss you! Come home soon!

(w) (1608-1674)
What by me thou hast lost, thou least shalt miss.
(RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)
The boy became volubly friendly and bubbling over with unexpected humour and high spirits. He tried to persuade Cicely to stay away from the ball-room for a fourth dance. Nobody would miss them, he explained.
puhekieltä To fail to understand or have a shortcoming of perception.

miss the joke

puhekieltä To fail to attend.

Joe missed the meeting this morning.

puhekieltä To be late for something (a means of transportation, a deadline, etc.).

I missed the plane!

puhekieltä To fail to help the hand of a player.

Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!

puhekieltä To fail to score (a goal).
{{quote-journal|date=September 18, 2011|author=Ben Dirs|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To go wrong; to err.
(w) (c.1552–1599)
Amongst the angels, a whole legion / Of wicked sprites did fall from happy bliss; / What wonder then if one, of women all, did miss?
puhekieltä To be absent, deficient, or wanting.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
A failure to hit.
A failure to obtain or accomplish.
An act of avoidance (used with the verb give).

I think I’ll give the meeting a miss.

puhekieltä The situation where an item is not found in a cache and therefore needs to be explicitly loaded.
A title of respect for a young woman (usually unmarried) with or without a name used.

You may sit here, miss.

You may sit here, Miss Jones.

An unmarried woman; a girl.
Gay vanity, with smiles and kisses, / Was busy 'mongst the maids and misses.
A kept woman; a mistress.


puhekieltä In the game of three-card loo, an extra hand, dealt on the table, which may be substituted for the hand dealt to a player.
beauty queen
A winner of a beauty contest.

Annelien Coorevits was Miss België in 2007.

Annelien Coorevits was Miss Belgium in 2007.

A beauty.
A girl with a high self-esteem.

Dat is nogal een miss, hoor.

She has some air.

(inflection of)
loss; absence
A failure to hit.
A mistake.
puhekieltä A beauty; a winner of a beauty contest.

Miss Hawaii gick vidare och vann Miss America-tävlingen

Miss Hawaii went on to win the Miss America contest


  • missaa: epäonnistua : Sauli missas tuhannen taalan mestan.

  • missi: epäonnistuminen : Mä olin ihan luukulla, mut sit tuli missi.


  • "miss on niit ryssii ett voi ryhtyy tappaan!"

  • "Tiedämme varmasti, että Te, herra presidentti ja Teidän hallintonne ovat olleet maamme ja Afrikan hyviä ystäviä." "

  • "miss ankarimmin luodit soi, taajimmin tulta salamoi, en sinnä käymätt olla voi tiet isäin astumaan."

  • "Naisääni: Päivää kirjailija. Helismaa: Oho, kuka puhuu En näe ketään. N: Olen miss Inspiraatio. Sinun innoittajasi. H: Vai niin! Ilmankos en heti tuntenut, kun niin harvoin tavataan."


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misogyyni, misogyyninen, mispeli, miss, missata, misseys

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