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Katso myös: mesettää, instant




pikaruoka, pikakahvi


välitön, kiireellinen



tämän kuun">tämän kuun A very short period of time; a moment.
She paused for only an instant, which was just enough time for John to change the subject.
A single, usually precise, point in time.
The instant the alarm went off, he fled the building.
A beverage or food which has been pre-processed to reduce preparation time, especially instant coffee.
A day of the current month (abbreviated as: inst.)
In response to your letter of the twenty-first instant...
puhekieltä impending Impending; imminent.

Impending death is thine, and instant doom.
puhekieltä urgent Urgent; pressing; acute.
Bible, Rom. xii. 12
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
I am beginning to be very instant for some sort of occupation.
Occurring immediately; immediate; present.
The instant time is always the fittest time.
{{quote-book|year=1905|author=w:Emma Orczy|Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Lasting for a short moment; momentary; short-lived.
Very quickly and easily prepared.

instant coffee; instant noodles; instant mashed potato

Of the current month (abbreviation inst.).

I refer to your letter of the 16th inst. in regard to traffic disruption.

puhekieltä at once|At once; immediately.
1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, I.182:
He left the room for his relinquished sword, / And Julia instant to the closet flew.
(l) (gloss)
puhekieltä pressing, insistent
English instant, minute, moment
(inflection of)
English instant (gloss)
puhekieltä English instant (gloss)
puhekieltä instantly


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