
Ehdota määritelmää



eksynyt, eksyksissä

kadonnut, kadoksissa, hukassa


menetetty, hukattu


kadonnut, kadotettu


uppoutunut (en-past of)
Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way.

The children were soon lost in the forest.

In an unknown location; unable to be found.

Deep beneath the ocean, the Titanic was lost to the world.

Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible.

an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd

Parted with; no longer held or possessed.

a lost limb; lost honour

Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered.

a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit

Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope.

a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul

Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible.

lost to shame; lost to all sense of honour

Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as not to notice external things.

to be lost in thought

(nl-verb form of)
(nl-adj form of)
(de-verb form of)


  • "Johnson, there were no survivors in the blast but Islamist suicide terrorists have killed the President. But they will not go unpunished. We want you, to convert to Islam and live a life according to Koran, then, when you die and get to lost|paradise, find these terrorists and kill them. (Suomeksi: Johnson, räjähdyksestä ei jäänyt selviytyjiä, mutta islamistiset itsemurhaterroristit ovat tappaneet presidentin. Mutta he eivät selviä rankaisutta. Me haluamme, että käännyt islaminuskoon ja elät elämn koraanin mukaan, sitten, kun kuolet ja pääset paratiisiin, etsi nämä terroristit ja tapa heidät.) "

  • "Hopefully we will get this text in Estonian language, too, because so many Estonians have apparently lost|paradise all civilization under their nearest 20 years. Of course, therefore I cannot be sure that they could accept even your writing even in Estonian language. Civilization comes from noble soul and respect; civilization cannot ever live in the souls of the apartheid-supporters."

  • "Brandt: What will we do when we have lost|paradise the war"


lost|paradise rimmaa näiden kanssa:

paise, mätäpaise, bavaroise

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