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  1. merkintäkieli, merkkauskieli.

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englanti puhekieltä A body of words, and set of methods of combining them (called a grammar), understood by a community and used as a form of communication.


1867, Report on the Systems of Deaf-Mute Instruction pursued in Europe, quoted in 1983 in History of the College for the Deaf, 1857-1907 (ISBN 0913580856), page 240:
Hence the natural language of the mute is, in schools of this class, suppressed as soon and as far as possible, and its existence as a language, capable of being made the reliable and precise vehicle for the widest range of thought, is ignored.
2000, Geary Hobson, The Last of the Ofos (ISBN 0816519595), page 113:
Mr. Darko, generally acknowledged to be the last surviving member of the Ofo Tribe, was also the last remaining speaker of the tribe's language.
puhekieltä The ability to communicate using words.
puhekieltä The vocabulary and usage of a particular specialist field.
(RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)
Thus, when he drew up instructions in lawyer language, he expressed the important words by an initial, a medial, or a final consonant, and made scratches for all the words between; his clerks, however, understood him very well.
puhekieltä The expression of thought (the communication of meaning) in a specified way.
2001, Eugene C. Kennedy, Sara C. Charles, On Becoming a Counselor (ISBN 0824519132):
A tale about themselves is told by people with help from the universal languages of their eyes, their hands, and even their shirting feet.
puhekieltä A body of sounds, signs and/or signals by which animals communicate, and by which plants are sometimes also thought to communicate.
1983, The Listener, volume 110, page 14:
A more likely hypothesis was that the attacked leaves were transmitting some airborne chemical signal to sound the alarm, rather like insects sending out warnings (..) But this is the first time that a plant-to-plant language has been detected.
2009, Animals in Translation, page 274:
Prairie dogs use their language to refer to real dangers in the real world, so it definitely has meaning.
puhekieltä A computer language; a machine language.
2015, Kent D. Lee, Foundations of Programming Languages (ISBN 3319133144), page 94:
In fact pointers are called references in these languages to distinguish them from pointers in languages like C and C++.
puhekieltä manner Manner of expression.
(rfdat) Cowper:
Their language simple, as their manners meek, (..)
puhekieltä The particular words used in a speech or a passage of text.
puhekieltä profanity Profanity.
{{quote-book|page=500|year=1978|author=James Carroll


  • "Hopefully we will get this text in Estonian language|sign, too, because so many Estonians have apparently lost all civilization under their nearest 20 years. Of course, therefore I cannot be sure that they could accept even your writing even in Estonian language|sign. Civilization comes from noble soul and respect; civilization cannot ever live in the souls of the apartheid-supporters."

  • "In your language|sign: Eat lead, laddies! (Teidän kielellänne: Syökää lyijyä, pojat!)"


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