

  1. levyautomaatti

Katso myös: jukeboksi



  1. jukeboksi, levyautomaatti, levysoitin, gramofoni.

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levyautomaatti, jukeboksi A coin-operated machine that plays recorded music; it has push-buttons to make selections.
1939, Life, Dec 18, 1939, p. http://books.google.com/books?id=50EEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA27 27:

Glenn Miller plays more sweet numbers than hot. His greatest success has been with the “juke boxes”, the nickel-in-a-slot automatic phonographs. Miller is easily the most outstanding juke-box artist of 1939.
puhekieltä An automated carousel for the storage and retrieval of tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.
puhekieltä A software application capable of replaying tracks from a digital music collection.
2011, Keith Underdahl, Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies
Before you export a movie to tape, double-check the following: Make sure all unnecessary programs are closed, including your e-mail program, MP3 jukebox, and Web browser.
jukeboxEnglish jukebox


jukebox rimmaa näiden kanssa:

beauty box

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juju, jujuttaa, jukeboksi, jukebox, jukka, jukolaut

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