

  1. panssarilevy, panssarointi, haarniska, levyhaarniska, panssarikaulus.

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panssarikaulus puhekieltä A piece of armour for the throat.
1663, w:Hudibras Hudibras, by Samuel Butler, part 1, s:Hudibras/Part 1/Canto 2|canto 2

About his neck a threefold gorget, / As rough as trebled leathern target
Sir Walter Scott
Unfix the 'gorgets''' iron clasp.
1968, (w), The Mad Gods Amulet'', Gollancz 2003, p. 209:
Hawkmoon whipped his sword from the scabbard, leaped forward, and drove the blade into the throat of the warrior just below his gorget.
1999, (w), A Clash of Kings, Bantam 2011, p. 500:
Renly lifted his chin to allow Brienne to fasten his gorget in place.
puhekieltä A type of women's clothing covering the neck and breast; a wimple.
An ornament for the neck; a necklace, ornamental collar, torque etc.
1917, (w), wikisource:The_Legend_of_Sleepy_Hollow The Legend of Sleepy Hollow:
There was (..) the golden-winged woodpecker, with his crimson crest, his broad black gorget, and splendid plumage (..)
puhekieltä A cutting instrument used in lithotomy.
A grooved instrument used in performing various operations; called also blunt gorget.


puhekieltä A crescent-shaped coloured patch on the neck of a bird or mammal.


gorget rimmaa näiden kanssa:

länget, ämmänlänget

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