
Tarkoititko: fauni

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kauhealla tavalla In a fearful manner; characterized by fear.

I stepped fearfully into the pitch-dark cave.

puhekieltä very; very much.

Hes a fearfully good striker.''

1884, Saddlers, Harness Makers, and Carriage Builders Gazette'', London: John Kemp, 1 November, 1884, Vol. XIV, pp. 155-6, https://books.google.ca/books?id=YQ9LAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcoverv=onepage&q&f=false
Remember, when a horse is on its side the kicking-strap is useless, and the breechen nearly so, to prevent the swing of its hind legs; your aim is to get it away from the steps or wheel-plate of the trap, which, in its struggles, may cut its legs fearfully.


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