


  1. ryhmittymä, ryhmä

Esimerkkejä faction sanan käytöstä:

the faction they latched on

Liittyvät sanat: factionist



  1. klikki, ryhmäkunta, kuppikunta, sisäpiiri, kopla, ryhmittymä, salaliitto, nurkkakunta, koulukunta, lahkolaisryhmä, vasemmisto, oikeisto, oikeistosiipi.

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ryhmäkunta A group of people, especially within a political organization, which expresses a shared belief or opinion different from people who are not part of the group.
strife Strife; discord.
1805, Johann Georg Cleminius, Englisches Lesebuch für Kaufleute, http://books.google.com/books?id=B9cRAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA188&dq=faction&lr=&num=100&as_brr=3 pg. 188:

Publick sic affairs soon fell into the utmost confusion, and in this state of faction and perplexity, the island continued, until its re-capture by the French in 1779.
2001, Odd Magne Bakke, "Concord and Peace": A Rhetorical Analysis of the First Letter of Clement With an Emphasis on the Language of Unity and Sedition, publ. Mohr Siebeck, ISBN 3161476379, http://books.google.com/books?id=cI1btFqWegoC&pg=PA89&dq=%22faction%22&as_brr=3&sig=R6XBNzJrKPdhILpQQfGC22KlIgc pg. 89:
He asks the audience if they believe that they will be more loved by the gods if the city is in a state of faction than if they govern the city with good order and concord.
A form of literature, film etc., that treats real people or events as if they were fiction; a mix of fact and fiction
act of keep watch|keeping watch
a watchman
puhekieltä a English faction; specifically one which causes trouble


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science fiction

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