


  1. vanhentunut|k=en helppo

  2. pinnallinen, kevytmielinen (suhtautumisesta asioihin)

  3. helppo tulla toimeen, miellyttävä

Esimerkkejä facile sanan käytöstä:

His facile approach to the task meant the best result would not be achieved.

His facile disposition made him many friends.



  1. selkeä, ymmärrettävä, kaunopuheinen, sujuva, sujuvasanainen, miellyttävästi puhuva, vaivaton, pinnallinen, pintapuolinen, helppo.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




helppo easy Easy, now especially in a disparaging sense; contemptibly easy. (defdate)
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), vol.I, New York, 2001, p.243:

as he that is benumbed with cold sits shaking, that might relieve himself with a little exercise or stirring, do they complain, but will not use the facile and ready means to do themselves good ….
puhekieltä amiable Amiable, flexible, easy to get along with. (defdate)

His facile disposition made him many friends.

effortless Effortless, fluent (of work, abilities etc.). (defdate)
1932, (w), Talleyrand, Folio Society 2010, p. 54:
we can learn the impression that he made upon a stranger and a foreigner at this period, thanks to the facile pen of Fannu Burney.
1974, (w), (w), Pocket Books, New York, p.54:
"Discipline," Jorge Julio Saavedra was repeating, "is more necessary to me than to other more facile writers.
1990, (w), The Great Game, Folio Society 2010, p. 372:
A facile and persuasive writer, he also turned out countless newspaper articles on Russian aims in Central Asia and how best these could be thwarted.
lazy Lazy, simplistic (especially of explanations, discussions etc.). (defdate)
2012, (w), The Guardian, 3 May 2012:
There is a facile view that our green commitments – to tackling climate change, avoiding air and water pollution, protecting natural habitats – are an obstacle to growth. The message of the commodity markets is surely different.
puhekieltä Of a reaction or other process, taking place readily.

Decarboxylation of beta-keto acids is facile...

easy, simple
easy (not difficult)


facile rimmaa näiden kanssa:

mobile, hile, jäähile, raakile, omenanraakile, märkile, aukile, lakiaukile, faksimile, säile

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