


  1. kasvot, naama

  2. ilme

  3. kuva ulkonäkö, ilme, kuva

  4. kuva kasvot, kunnia

  5. pinta; geometria|k=en tahko

  6. kellotaulu

  7. etupuoli, päällyspuoli, kuvapuoli tms.

  8. seinämä

  9. slangi|k=en naama, pää, suu, turpa

  10. showpaini|k=en hyviksen roolia esittävä painija

Esimerkkejä face sanan käytöstä:

Why the sad 'face'?

:Mistä surullinen 'ilme'?

The 'face' of the city is changing.

:Kaupunki'kuva' muuttuu.

to lose 'face', to save 'face'

the 'face' of the sea

A cube has six 'faces'.

:Kuutiossa on kuusi 'tahkoa'.

deal the cards 'face' down – jakaa kortit kuvapuoli alaspäin

Shut your 'face'!

:'Turpa' kiinni!

Katso myös: feissaus, groteski

Liittyvät sanat: facial



  1. aktiivisuus, yritteliäisyys, röyhkeys, kantti, julkeus, hävyttömyys, kasvot, asema.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



olla jnnk päin



reunustaa puhekieltä The front part of the head, featuring the eyes, nose, and mouth and the surrounding area.


One's facial expression.
The public image; outward appearance.
The frontal aspect of something.
puhekieltä Presence; sight; front.
(RQ:RnhrtHpwd Bat)
The Bat—they called him the Bat. Like a bat he chose the night hours for his work of rapine; like a bat he struck and vanished, pouncingly, noiselessly; like a bat he never showed himself to the face of the day.
The directed force of something.
Good reputation; standing in the eyes of others; dignity; prestige. (See lose face, save face).
Shameless confidence; boldness; effrontery.
(w) (1630-1694)
This is the man that has the face to charge others with false citations.
The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end.
puhekieltä Any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron. More generally, any of the bounding pieces of a polytope of any dimension.
Any surface; especially a front or outer one.


(w), (w) ii.6:
A mist(..)watered the whole face of the ground.
(w) (1788-1824)
Lake Leman woos me with its crystal face.
The numbered dial of a clock or watch, the clock face.
puhekieltä The mouth.
puhekieltä makeup Makeup; one's complete facial cosmetic application.
puhekieltä Short for baby face. A wrestler whose on-ring persona is embodying heroic or virtuous traits.
puhekieltä The front surface of a bat.
puhekieltä The part of a golf club that hits the ball.
puhekieltä The side of the card that shows its value (as opposed to the backside, which looks the same on all cards of the deck).
(context) The head of a lion, shown face-on and cut off immediately behind the ears.
puhekieltä A typeface.
mode Mode of regard, whether favourable or unfavourable; favour or anger.
(w), (w) vi.25:
The Lord make his face to shine upon thee.
(w), (w) vii.22:
My face favour will I turn also from them.
puhekieltä An interface.
2003 May 14, Bart Leeten, Kris Meukens, http://www.jsfcentral.com%2Farchives%2FFull%2520JCP%2520CORNER%2520article%2520by%2520Bart%2520Leeten%2520and%2520Kris%2520Meukens.pdf JSR127 JavaServer Faces, VERSIE, p.1/6:
For clarity reasons and to stress that JavaServer Faces is not only about ‘visual’ user interfaces, we propose to use the term ‘face’, to express what for visual interfaces is typically named a ‘screen’.
The amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc., without any interest or discount; face value.



  • "Ancilla face mea laganum!."

  • "Johnson, sneak in the church and mutilate the false priest's face so the locals won't follow him anymore. (Johnson, livahda kirkkoon ja viiltele valepapin naama jotta paikalliset eivät enää seuraisi häntä.)"

  • "Son, I'm gonna wipe that dumb look right off your stupid face. (Poika, pyyhkin tuon typerän ilmeen pois sinun pöljiltä kasvoiltasi.)"


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