
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tot englannista suomeksi

  1. tilkkanen, tilkka

  2. laskea yhteen

  3. pikkulapsi, taapero, napero

  1. napero, pikkulapsi

  2. tujaus

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

tot englanniksi

  1. A small child.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Huxley Brave New World)

  4. A small amount of liquor, a small measure of rum.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1897|author=Mary H. Kingsley|title=Travels in West Africa

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1916|author=Siegfried Sassoon|title=The Working Party

  7. (ellipsis of)

  8. A small cup, usually made of tin.

  9. A foolish fellow.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. To sum or total.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=Paul Lockhart|title=Arithmetic

  13. To mark (a debt) with the word ''tot'' (Latin for "so much"), indicating that it was good or collectible for the amount specified.

  14. ''a totted debt''

  15. A total, an addition of a long column of figures.

  16. until

  17. all

  18. all of it

  19. man

  20. grandfather

  21. (ant)

  22. everything

  23. uncle

  24. rust, corrosion

  25. to, up to

  26. (n-g)

  27. (syn)

  28. {{quote-web|nl

  29. until, till

  30. all, every

  31. dead, deceased

  32. many

  33. much

  34. so many

  35. (Q).)

  36. fart, flatulence

  37. to break wind, to fart

  38. each, every

  39. all; completely

  40. dead

  41. (l)

  42. still

  43. (quote-book))|tr=Și, audzînd împăratul (nobr) tot viu, dzîsă lui Gargal: "Dară (nobr) viu încă acel fărmăcătoriu?"|newversion=edited and transliterated in|title2=''Viața și petreacerea svinților''|editor2=Rodica Frențiu|page2=44|url2=,%20V.%20Svint.%20(1682%E2%80%931686)%20ed.Frentiu/|isbn2=9739114997|location2=Cluj-Napoca|publisher2=Echinox|year2=2002|sc=Cyrs

  44. (quote-journal)|tr=Biserica Episcopiei nu să deosebește prin altă din celelante de cât prin o clopotniță de mulți ani începută și tot începută.|issue=49|location=Iași|newversion=republished as|title2=''Negru pe alb''|chapter2=ls:ro:pe albScrisoarea I|Scrisoarea 1 (Primblare)|year2=1857

  45. (quote-journal)

  46. nevertheless, still, anyway

  47. (ux) dus.|I wasn’t allowed to, but still went.

  48. (quote-book))|location=Iași|sc=Cyrs

  49. (quote-journal) coace, căt (nobr) coace,„Dulce tot nu te’i mai face . . .“|“Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, you sour fruit!Were you to ripen as much as you’d ripen,You still wouldn’t become sweet…”|volume=9|issue=7

  50. (quote-book)|t=Ye sow much, and gather little, ye eat, and still aren’t satiated, ye drink, and still quench not your thirst, ye dress up, and still aren’t warm; (�)|tlr=Dumitru Cornilescu|title=The Bible|section=of Haggai|Haggai 1:6

  51. anyway (gl)

  52. (ux) ce căuta aici, hai să plecăm acasă.|Since we have no business here anyway, let’s go home.

  53. (quote-book)din eĭ să facĭ, din doĭ, doĕ scândurĭ la patŭ, că totŭ ne lipsesce (nobr) scândurĭ.|(�) make from the two of them two bed boards, since we have a few boards missing anyway.|chapter=În(lang)ir’te mărgăritarĭ|location=Bucharest|publisher=Romanian Academy|norm=…din ei să faci, din doi, două scânduri la pat, că tot ne lipsesc câteva scânduri.

  54. (quote-book) întîlnit vreodată, de ce (nobr) crede și în asta ?|“Since you believe in someone you’ve never met anyway, why wouldn’t you also believe in this?”|location=Bucharest|publisher=Cartea Românească|isbn=9732300574

  55. (ngd)

  56. (coi)


  57. (quote-book)''|trans-title=''Detailed description of the application of cold water cures(…)''|,%20Descr.%20Asez%20(1840)|53|Кᲈрџереа апеĭ есtе tоt аша де гроасъ ка шi ачеа дела дᲈшеле бърбацiлор.|The flow of the water is as intense as that of the men’s showers.|sc=Cyrs|tr=Curgerea apei este tot așa de groasă ca și acea dela dușele bărbaților.|by=Carol Munde|location=Bucharest|publisher=Saint Sava College

  58. repeatedly, unceasingly, the time, habitually, constantly

  59. (quote-book) întorsu înapoi pe Bîrlad, tot vînînd vînaturi și pesșté.|And they came back on the Bârlad river, hunting for game and fish all the time.|page_plain=folio 248v|format=manuscript|chapter=83|newversion=as edited in|title2=''Opere''|editor2=Gabriel Ștrempel|publisher2=Minerva|Minerva|location2=Bucharest|page2=310|year2=1982|url2=,%20LET.%20(1743)%20in%20O

  60. (quote-book)непꙋтѫ́ндь до́фторїй ними́ка а҆й фолосѝ , шѝ бо́ала то́т ꙟ҆търи́ндꙋсе , нъꙁꙋѝ ла ᲃфн҃та Бесѣ́рикъ а҆ Мꙋчени́кꙋлꙋй(�)|(�)with the doctors not being able to help him at all, and the disease constantly growing worse, he turnt to the holy Church of the Martyr(�)|location=Vâlcea|Râmnic|page_plain=folio 160r|column=2|line=34–37|tr=(�)neputând doftorii nimica (nobr) folosi, și boala tot (nobr), năzui la sfânta Besearică a Mucenicului(�)

  61. (quote-book) cu mine pe la băĭ, pe la țară, pe podul Mogoșoaiĭ;(�)|t=Let me try a short story. I have a topic that I’m repeatedly taking with me to the baths, in the countryside, on the Mogoșoaia bridge;(�)|location=Bucharest

  62. (quote-book)tot mergi și în cele din urmă te trezești iarăș, în locul de unde ai plecat . . .|(�)you’re continually going and in the end wake up again in the place you started from…|location=Sibiu

  63. (quote-book) ști omul (nobr) ajungeTot ar suspina (nobr) plînge(nobr) vărsa lacrimi de sînge.|Should man know what’d become of himHe’d unceasingly sigh and cryAnd shed tears of blood.|publisher=Editura pentru Literatură|location=Bucharest

  64. exclusively, only

  65. (quote-book))|location=Iași

  66. (quote-book)(nobr) tot albe cu lâna țigae.|Then choose sheep, all them white and with silky wool.|section=part 3, line 386|publisher=Alcalay|series=Biblioteca pentru toți|original=Georgics|''Georgics''|by=Virgil|tlr=George Coșbuc|location=Bucharest

  67. every (gl)

  68. (quote-book)са́ꙋ ѡ҆търи́т ꙟ҆трѫнса, ка нꙋ̀ нꙋ́май то́цй Мирѣ́ній дин А҆рдѣ́л, ка́рій пꙋтѣ̀ пꙋрта̀ а҆́рме, чѝ шѝ Пре́ѡцій се при́ндъ а҆́рме а҆сꙋ́пра Тꙋ́рчилѡр, а҆ша̀, кѫ́т то́т пентрꙋ до́аѡ са́те се ремѫ́нъ а҆ка́съ о҆у́н Пре́ѡт,(�)|t=(�)in it they decided that not only every arms-bearing layperson in Transylvania should take up arms against the Turks, but the priests as well, so that one priest remain home for every two villages.|tr=(�)s-au otărât într-însa, ca nu numai toți Mirenii din Ardeal, carii putea purta arme, ci și Preoții să prindă arme asupra Turcilor, așa, cât tot pentru doao sate să remână acasă un Preot,(�)|format=manuscript|year_published=1808|newversion=edited in|page2=205|title2=''Opere''|publisher2=Editura Pentru Literatură|year2=1969|volume2=2|editor2=Florea Fugariu|trans-title2=''Works''|trans-title=''Chronicle of the Romanians and other peoples''

  69. (quote-journal)ministrul Andrássy trimesese aicĭ 1.500 de baionete,—tot la doi alegătorĭ o suliță.|t=(�)Andrássy|minister Andrássy had sent here 1500 bayonets―one spear every two voters.|volume=2|issue=33|location=Bucharest|editor=Nicolae Iorga|trans-title=Letter from Transylvania

  70. (quote-journal) muncitor a fost inovator, în 1975 tot al (nobr) muncitor a realizat o inovație, iar în 1977 tot al treilea om al muncii aducea ceva nou în perfecționarea activității, ridicarea calității și randamentului muncii.|t=If in Berlin, in 1970, every seventh worker was an innovator, in 1975 every fourth worker made an innovation, and in 1977 every third working man came up with something new pertaining to improvement of activity, raising of quality and yield of work.|location=Bucharest|issue=40|volume_plain=year 22|trans-title=Travel notes from the GDR

  71. increasingly (yielding and more, ever more)

  72. (quote-book)|t=And they were becoming increasingly worse, so much that they would torture and kill those who believed in Christ.|tr=Iară ei tot mai în rău mergea, de muncea și ucidea pre ceia ce credea în Hristos.|section=folio 284r ((lang))|location=Iași

  73. (quote-book) trece anii cum trecură,Ea tot mai mult im va plăcè,(�)|t=Should the years pass as they have passed,I shall like her increasingly more,(�)|trans-title=''Poems''|chapter=trece anii...|(nobr) trece anii…|lines=1–2|location=Bucharest|publisher=ro:Socec

  74. |slightly|dated let's say|let’s say, approximately, about

  75. (quote-book) terminat”, să fi tot luat unt vreo treizeci de persoane.|t=From the moment the crate was opened until the dramatic announcement “it’s gone”, about thirty people must’ve taken butter.|isbn=9738182050|location=Bistrița|publisher=Aletheia|trans-title=''The guide in the wastelands''

  76. all, the whole

  77. (quote-book)|t=He had hid his entire plan from him(�)|sc=Cyrs|tlr=Ion Heliade Rădulescu|original=Don Quixote|by=Miguel de Cervantes|location=Bucharest|volume=2|archiveurl=,%20D.%20Chishot,%20I-II%20(1840)/|archivedate=19 August 2023

  78. {{quote-text|ro|year=1876|author=Ion Creangă|title=s:ro:Povestea porcului

  79. {{quote-text|ro|year=1928|author=Panait Istrati|title=s:ro:Ciulinii Bărăganului

  80. (quote-book) era o păcăleală (nobr) capcană.|t=After a week we finally understood that the whole thing about the switch was a sham and a trap.|original=''The Diaries of Adam and Eve''|by=Mark Twain|publisher=Litera|isbn=9786063360862|format=ebook

  81. all, every (defdate)

  82. 1521, Neacșu's letter|Neacșu’s letter, lines 6–7:

  83. (quote)
  84. (quote-book) нъроа́де де​глоа́те, Ка́риле цай(si) цѫнꙋ́тꙋц꙽ порꙋ́нчиле тоа́те.|tr=Te vor (nobr) năroade de gloate, Carile (nobr) (nobr) poruncile toate.|trans-title=''Metrical psalter''|t=Congregations of people shall surround you, Which have kept all your commandments. (7|Psalm 7:7)|location=Iași|sc=Cyrs|section=folio 9r ((lang))

  85. every

  86. (quote-book)|t=Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. (150|Psalm 150:6)|section=folio 125r|lines=23–24|tr=Toată dihania se laude Domnul.|newversion=edited in|title2=''Psaltirea Hurmuzaki''|volume2=I|year2=2005|editors2=ro:Ion Gheție; Mirela Teodorescu|location2=Bucharest|publisher2=Academy|Romanian Academy Press

  87. (quote-book)), lines 8–9|location=Alba Iulia|text=(lang)|t=Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. (8|John 8:34)|tr=Răspunse Isus lor, adevăr adevăr grăesc voao, că tot cine face păcat rob iaste păcatului.

  88. (quote-book)tinĭ.|t=On the day before Epiphany, each year, a multitude of Christians would come here.|edition=2nd|year_published=1867|location=Bucharest|trans-title=''Journeys to Jerusalem during Easter and to Egypt''

  89. (quote-web)

  90. over

  91. (quote-book)i mĕ tem de sóre…|t=“How can I get out from the stoneWhen I’m all nakedAnd fear the sun…”|chapter=Erculean|location=Bucharest|norm=―Cum să ies din piatrăCă sunt goală toatăȘi mă tem de soare…

  92. (quote-book) udă toată și ni strică hainele!|But it’s all wet and it spoils our clothes!|publisher=ro:Socec|location=Bucharest|trans-title=''Ephemeral icons: human documents''

  93. a totality, whole (defdate)

  94. everything (gl)

  95. everyone

  96. (alternative form of)

  97. all

  98. vulture