
suomi-englanti sanakirja

swarm englannista suomeksi

  1. tulvia

  2. parvi

  3. parveilla

  1. Substantiivi

  2. parvi

  3. lauma

  4. Verbi

  5. vyöryä

  6. vyöryä sisään">vyöryä sisään

  7. vyöryttää

  8. kiivetä nelinkontin">kiivetä nelinkontin

swarm englanniksi

  1. A large number of insects, especially when in motion or (for bees) migrating to a new colony.

  2. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained) reſtleſs thoughts, that like a deadly ſwarm / Of Hornets arm'd (..) ruſh upon me thronging,

  3. A mass of people, animals or things in motion or turmoil.

  4. ''a swarm of meteorites''

  5. {{RQ:Addison Italy

  6. A group of nodes sharing the same torrent in a BitTorrent network.

  7. A number of small earthquakes (or other seismic events) occurring, with no clear cause, in a specific area within a relatively short space of time.

  8. *2020, (w), ''The New Map'', Penguin 2021, p. 28:

  9. Earthquakes were another concern, particularly after swarms were felt in Oklahoma.
  10. To move as a swarm.

  11. (RQ:Birmingham Gossamer)

  12. To teem, or be overrun with insects, people, etc.

  13. {{RQ:Spenser Ireland

  14. To fill a place as a swarm.

  15. To overwhelm as by an opposing army.

  16. (quote-av)

  17. To climb by gripping with arms and legs alternately.

  18. (quote-text)|title=Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark

  19. (RQ:Maugham Moon and Sixpence)

  20. To breed multitudes.

  21. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  22. A (l) (large, moving group of bees)

  23. A large group of people.