
suomi-englanti sanakirja

supplicate englannista suomeksi

  1. rukoilla

  2. anoa

  3. pyytää nöyrästi

  1. Verbi

  2. anoa, pyytää

  3. anoa

supplicate englanniksi

  1. To make a humble request to (someone, especially a person in authority); to beg, to beseech, to entreat.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-hansard) ſhall better enable him." (smallcaps), That this Houſe doth diſpenſe vvith Mr. Baron Edward ''Henden''’s Abſence,(sic) until his Health vvill permit him to come hither vvith Safety.

  4. (quote-book)|chapter=The Argument|title=An Apologetic Postscript to Ode upon Ode.(nb...)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=(...) G. Kearsley,(nb...)|year=1788|page=6|pageurl=|oclc=695950708|passage=Peter nobly acknowledgeth error, ſuſpecteth an interfering Devil, and ſupplicateth his Reader— (..)

  5. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Rienzi) to supplicate Clement VI|Clement VI. to remove the Holy See from Avignon to Rome.

  6. (RQ:Tennyson Enoch Arden)

  7. (quote-book)|series=Bible for Schools and Colleges|The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges|location=Cambridge, Cambridgeshire|publisher=University Press|University Press|year=1909|section=Wisdom of Solomon XIII:18|page=131|pageurl=|oclc=854141073|passage=Yea for health he calleth upon that which is weak, / And for life he beseecheth that which is dead, / And for aid he supplicateth that which hath least experience, (..)|footer=(small) of the Bible.

  8. Of a member of the university, or an alumnus or alumna of another university seeking a degree ''eundem'': to make a formal request (to the university) that an academic degree be awarded to oneself.

  9. (RQ:Wood Athenae Oxonienses)&93; ſupplicated the venerable congregation of Regents of the Univerſity that the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity might be conferr'd on him: vvhich being granted, he ſupplicated for that of Doctor; and that being granted alſo, he vvas admitted to them both ſucceſſively, vvithout any mention at all of Incorporation.

  10. To make a humble request to (a deity or other spiritual being) in a prayer; to entreat as a supplicant.

  11. (ux)

  12. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=&91;(glossary)&93;|year=1664|page=233|pageurl=|oclc=10702199|passage=Thou maiſt freely lay open thy mind to him &91;(w)&93; in prayer, vvhat ever diſtreſs or vvant thou art in come to him in prayer and thou needſt not fear he vvill vvell knovv vvhat it is thou ſupplicateſt him about; (..)

  13. (quote-journal)|location=London|publisher=(...) Aurora Press,(nb...)|month=October|year=1799|year_published=November 1799|volume=I|issue=VII|page=267|pageurl=|oclc=1328833057|passage=It is from him only &91;(w)&93; that man hath illumination, which he surely will receive, if in true humiliation of heart he supplicateth Him in the love of truth, and for the sake of living according to what the Divine Truth teacheth; (..)

  14. To ask or request (something) humbly and sincerely, especially from a person in authority; to beg or entreat for.

  15. (quote-journal) Robinson (bookseller)|G. G. J. and J. Robinson,(nb...)|month=October|year=1788|page=523|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=1078157316|passage=And vvhat art thou that ſupplicateſt my aſſiſtance?

  16. (quote-book)

  17. To humbly request for something, especially to someone in a position of authority; to beg, to beseech, to entreat.

  18. (quote-book)|edition=4th|location=London|publisher=(...) Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, and are to be sold by Henry Fetherston,(nb...)|year=1613|section=book I|page=122|pageurl=|oclc=881474556|passage=Thus alſo the Church of Svveueland ſupplicateth to the Emperour of Germanie, ''if ſo bee that in time, vvee may not haue opportunitie for a generall Councell, yet at the lest your Maiestie may appoint a prouinciall aſſembly, &c.''

  19. (RQ:Bacon Essayes) But all theſe Things, are Gracefull in a ''Frends'' Mouth, vvhich are bluſhing in a Mans Ovvne.

  20. (RQ:Evelyn Diary) (w). brought barefooted to the place, supplicating for a victory over the Turks in 1464.

  21. (RQ:Richardson Clarissa)

  22. (quote-book)|location=Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=(...) University Press|Clarendon Press; and sold by J. and J. Fletcher; and by Mess. (publishers)|Rivington,(nb...); and Mess. Payne,(nb...)|year=1790|section=act V, scene iii|page=86|pageurl=|oclc=1325946422|passage=And vvhat favour is it, vvhich thou thus ſupplicateſt to obtain of me?

  23. (RQ:Wordsworth Poems)

  24. Of a member of the university, or an alumnus or alumna of another university seeking a degree ''ad eundem'': to formally request that an academic degree be awarded to oneself.

  25. (RQ:Wood Athenae Oxonienses) in Logicals and Philoſophicals in ''New'' College of vvhich he became Fellovv (after he had ſerved tvvo Years of probation) ''an''''no'' 1523. and left it 5 Years after, being then only Bachelor of Arts, ſupplicated for the Degree of Maſter 1529, but not admitted, as I can find in the Regiſter of that time.

  26. (RQ:Wood Athenae Oxonienses) ''Rich''''ard'' ''Kirkby'' Maſter of Arts of this University and Bachelor of Divinity of the University of ''Paris'', vvas incorporated Bach. of Div. of this Univerſity.—VVhich being done, he ſupplicated the ſame day to be admitted or licenſed to proceed in Divinity; but vvhether granted it appears not.

  27. (inflection of)

  28. (feminine plural of)