
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sulk englannista suomeksi

  1. murjottaa

  2. murjotus

  1. murjottaa, mököttää, jurnuttaa

sulk englanniksi

  1. (lbl) To express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn.

  2. (RQ:Stevenson Kidnapped)

  3. (RQ:Joyce Ulysses)

  4. A state of sulking.

  5. {{quote-book

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=2012|author=Harriet S. Caswell|title=Walter Harland Or, Memories of the Past|publisher=tredition|isbn=9783847204060

  7. ''Leo has been in a sulk all morning.''

  8. A fit of sulking; a sulking mood.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. A person who sulks

  11. ''Don't be such a sulk, Leo!''

  12. A furrow.