
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sour englannista suomeksi

  1. hapan, kirpeä

  2. happamuus

  3. sour

  4. epävireinen

  5. hapattaa

  6. nyrpeä

  7. hapannut

  8. hapantua

  1. hapan, kirpeä

  2. hapantunut, härskiintynyt

  3. hapan, hapantunut, härski

  4. nyrpeä, nyreä, hapan

  5. hapan

  6. Substantiivi

  7. Verbi

  8. tehdä happamaksi">tehdä happamaksi, hapannuttaa, hapantaa

  9. hapantua

  10. pilata, särkeä, rikkoa

  11. pilaantua, mennä pilalle, taantua, särkyä

sour englanniksi

  1. Tasting of acidity.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum)

  4. {{quote-journal|en|date=May 16 2018|author=Adam Rogers|journal=(magazine)|Wired|titleurl=|title=The Fundamental Nihilism of Yanny vs. Laurel

  5. Made rancid by fermentation, etc.

  6. Tasting or smelling rancid.

  7. (qualifier) Hostile or unfriendly.

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3) / Lofty and sour to them that loved him not, / But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.

  9. Excessively acidic and thus infertile. (q)

  10. Containing excess sulfur. (q)

  11. Unfortunate or unfavorable.

  12. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8)

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. Off-pitch, out of tune.

  15. (quote-book)

  16. The sensation of a sour taste.

  17. (rfex)

  18. A drink made with whiskey, juice|lemon or lime juice and sugar.

  19. Any cocktail containing juice|lemon or juice.

  20. A sour or acid substance; whatever produces a painful effect.

  21. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  22. The acidic solution used in souring fabric.

  23. To make sour.

  24. To become sour.

  25. {{quote-text|en|year=1720|author=Jonathan Swift|title=Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 7/To Stella, on transcribing his Poems|To Stella, on transcribing my Poems

  26. To spoil or mar; to make disenchanted.

  27. (RQ:Shakespeare Cymbeline)

  28. {{RQ:Fielding Tom Jones

  29. To become disenchanted.

  30. To make (soil) cold and unproductive.

  31. {{quote-text|en|year=1832|author=Joseph Harrison; Sir Joseph Paxton|title=The Horticultural Register|page=396

  32. To macerate (lime) and render it fit for plaster or mortar.

  33. To process (fabric) after bleaching, using acid or acid to wash out the lime.

  34. (alternative form of)

  35. (l), acidic, bitter

  36. foul-smelling, rancid

  37. fermented, curdled

  38. unpleasant, unattractive

  39. (alt form)

  40. sister