
suomi-englanti sanakirja

slight englannista suomeksi

  1. väheksyä, halveksua, loukata

  2. heikko

  3. kaitaluinen, hento

  4. loukkaus, halveksunta

  5. vähäinen

  1. vähäinen small in amount; heikko weak; pieni small; pintapuolinen not thorough; lievä not serious; välitön very near; hienoinen, vieno

  2. hoikka

  3. sileä smooth; tasainen level

  4. heikkomielinen

  5. huono, heikkolaatuinen, kehno

  6. Verbi

  7. Substantiivi

slight englanniksi

  1. Small.

  2. (syn)

  3. Gentle or weak, not aggressive or powerful.

  4. (ux)

  5. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest).

  6. Not thorough; superficial.

  7. Trifling; unimportant; insignificant.

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1741|author=John Locke|title=Some Thoughts Concerning Education & of the Conduct of the Understanding

  9. (RQ:Pope Rape of the Lock)

  10. Not far away in space or time.

  11. Of slender build.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1822|author=Sir Walter Scott|title=Peveril of the Peak

  13. Even, smooth or level.

  14. Still; with little or no movement on the surface.

  15. Foolish; silly; not intellectual.

  16. (quote-book)

  17. Bad, of poor quality.

  18. 1889 (first published), (w), ''Writings''

  19. we frequently have slight Goods and sometimes old and unsaleable Articles
  20. Slighting; treating with disdain.

  21. To treat as unimportant or not worthy of attention; to light of.

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=1782|author=William Cowper|title=Truth

  23. To give lesser weight or importance to.

  24. (ant)

  25. {{quote-book|en|year=1915|author=Josephine Turck Baker|title=Correct English|volume=16-17|page=182

  26. To treat (someone or something) with disdain or neglect, usually out of prejudice, hatred, or jealousy; to ignore disrespectfully; to skimp on one's duties toward.

  27. {{quote-text|en|year=1833|author=Mary Shelley|title=s:The Mortal Immortal

  28. To act negligently or carelessly. (rfex)

  29. To render no longer defensible by full or partial demolition.

  30. (RQ:Clarendon History)

  31. To make even or level.

  32. To throw heedlessly.

  33. (RQ:Shakespeare Merry Wives)

  34. The act of ignoring or snubbing; a deliberate act of neglect or discourtesy.

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=1793|author=Benjamin Franklin|title=The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  36. (quote-song)

  37. Sleight.

  38. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  39. Level, even, smooth; having no bumps or lumps.

  40. Of little importance or relevance.

  41. Slim, narrow, skinny; of little breadth.

  42. Badly made, poorly-built, or low-quality.

  43. (alt form)