
suomi-englanti sanakirja

scratch englannista suomeksi

  1. rapsuttaa, raapia

  2. mammona, raha

  3. hylätä

  4. tasoitus

  5. naarmu

  6. lähtöviiva

  7. pyyhkiä

  8. uurtaa

  9. koota kasaan

  10. hangata

  11. vetäytynyt kilpailija

  12. harakanvarpaat

  13. raapaisu

  14. naarmuttaa

  15. kananruoka

  1. Verbi

  2. raapia, kynsiä, rapsuttaa

  3. hieroa, hiertää

  4. naarmuttaa, raapia

  5. pyyhkiä

  6. raapustaa

  7. raapia, kynsiä

  8. Substantiivi

  9. naarmu, viiru

  10. raapiminen

  11. raha

scratch englanniksi

  1. (senseid) To rub a surface with a sharp object, especially by a living creature to remove itching with nails, claws, etc.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Swift On Poetry)

  4. (senseid) To rub the skin with rough material causing a sensation of irritation; to cause itching.

  5. (quote-book)|oclc=974402588|page=77|pageurl=|passage=Sometimes I lost track of them and had to hunt round in a circle, thrusting through sharp-scented bushes, scratching myself (transterm) on various plants which were still new to me: resinaceous rock-roses, juniper, ilex, yellow and white asphodel.

  6. (senseid) To irritate someone's skin with one's unshaven beard when kissing.

  7. (senseid) To mark a surface with a sharp object, thereby leaving a scratch (noun).

  8. to get such scratches

  9. (senseid) To out, out, through some text on a page.

  10. (senseid) Hence, to remove, ignore{{, or delete.

  11. To produce a distinctive sound on a turntable by moving a vinyl record back and forth while manipulating the crossfader (see also (w)).

  12. To commit a foul in pool, as where the cue ball is put into a pocket or jumps off the table.

  13. To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game.

  14. (senseid) To write or draw hastily or awkwardly; scrawl.

  15. (RQ:Swift Whigs)

  16. To dig or excavate with the claws.

  17. (senseid) To dig or scrape (a person's skin) with claws or fingernails in self-defense or with the intention to injure.

  18. To announce one's non-participation in a race or sports event part of a larger sports meeting that they were previously signed up for, usually in lieu of another event at the same meeting.

  19. (quote-web)

  20. (senseid) A disruption, mark or shallow cut on a surface made by scratching.

  21. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-1)

  22. (RQ:Moxon Mechanick Exercises)makes deep scratches in the work.

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=1709|author=Matthew Prior|title=Henry and Emma|url=|line=503

  24. (RQ:Besant Ivory Gate)

  25. (RQ:Allingham China Governess).

  26. An act of scratching the skin to alleviate an itch or irritation.

  27. A starting line (originally and simply, a line scratched in the ground), as in boxing.

  28. (quote-book)

  29. A technical error of touching or surpassing the starting mark prior to the official start signal in the sporting events of jump, discus, throw, put, and similar. Originally the starting mark was a scratch on the ground but is now a board or precisely indicated mark.

  30. The last riders to depart in a handicap race.

  31. (quote-journal)

  32. An aberration.

  33. A foul in pool, as where the cue ball is put into a pocket or jumps off the table.

  34. A shot which scores by chance and not as intended by the player; a fluke.

  35. A horse withdrawn from a race prior to the start.

  36. A minor injury.

  37. Money.

  38. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Clive James|title=North Face of Soho|page=153|publisher=Picador|year_published=2007

  39. A feed, usually a mixture of a few common grains, given to chickens.

  40. Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy.

  41. {{quote-text|en|year=1887|author=James Law|title=The Farmer's Veterinary Adviser

  42. A wig.

  43. 1775, (w), ''Journals & Letters'', Penguin 2001, 26 March:

  44. He turned to him with a dejected Face, and said ‘ – pray Sir, – could you touch up ''This'' a little?’ taking hold of his frightful scratch.
  45. A genre of Virgin Islander music, better known as fungi.

  46. Scrawled or illegible handwriting; scratch.

  47. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=P. L. Hawks|title=I Love Paris

  48. For or consisting of preliminary or tentative, incomplete, etc. work.

  49. Hastily assembled, arranged or constructed, from whatever materials are to hand, with little or no preparation

  50. (quote-text)

  51. {{quote-text|en|year=1988|author=James McPherson|title=Battle Cry of Freedom|page=740|publisher=Oxford|year_published=2004

  52. Relating to a scratchpad, a structure or recording medium attached to a machine for testing or temporary use.

  53. ''scratch memory''

  54. (of a player) Of a standard high enough to play without a handicap, i.e. to compete without the benefit of a variation in scoring based on ability.

  55. {{quote-book

  56. Velcro

  57. (syn)

  58. (l)

  59. (alt sp)