
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sandalwood englannista suomeksi

  1. santelipuu

  1. Substantiivi

  2. santelipuu

sandalwood englanniksi

  1. Any of various tropical trees of the genus (taxfmt), native or long naturalized in India, Australia, Hawaii, and many south Pacific islands.

  2. The aromatic heartwood of these trees used in ornamental carving, in the construction of insect-repellent boxes and chests, and as a source of certain perfumes.

  3. (quote-book)|passage=You ſhall put in a little bag the Powder of Sandalwood with the aforeſaid well-ſcenting Spices, and heart-ſtrengthening Powders, and lay it warm upon the left breaſt.|year=1680|author=T. K.|page=70|pageurl=|section=To cure the Palpitation of the Heart|url=

  4. (quote-book)