
suomi-englanti sanakirja

r englannista suomeksi

  1. r

r englanniksi

  1. R

  1. The eighteenth letter of the script|basic modern Latin alphabet.

  2. (abbreviation of)

  3. radius

  4. (a) an alveolar trill.

  5. (b) (ng) for any rhotic consonant, e.g. in English, French or Japanese where the (angbr) is not a trill (IPAfont).

    (c) an (IPAfont)-trill release (of a plosive); a weak, fleeting or epenthetic (IPAfont).

    (d) a non-trilled rhotic coloration or (l) of a (l); a vowel, now formed with (angbr IPA) or a more-precise transcription such as (angbr IPA) – see (angbr).

  6. used in several romanization systems of non-Latin scripts to represent various rhotic sounds:

  7. (non-gloss definition) in the Common Israeli, Hebrew Academy (1953 and 2006), and ISO 259 transliteration schemes

  8. (non-gloss definition) in the Common Israeli transliteration scheme

  9. Of a tactic diad, having structural units in opposition.

  10. (Latn-def)

  11. (abbreviation of)

  12. (uxi)

  13. (quote-book)|isbn=9781442436619|page=44|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/homeforchristmas0000burk/page/44/mode/2up?q=r|passage=This was supposed 2 be a SURPRISE, but the girls got it out of me. ☺ I wanted all of us 2 spend Xmas 2gether. By all, I mean r horses 2. Sooo . . . B, C, G, Z, & D, you have guests waiting @ BC. Zane, Valentino, Scout, Nero, & Polo r there! Now we can ride r horses when we r not volunteering & spend Xmas w them. ☺

  14. the sound sequence /ɑr/, including the verb ''(m)''

  15. (abbreviation of) (ng).

  16. (abbreviation of) (ng), and homophone'' (m).

  17. mouth (of humans or animals)

  18. Reign of Amenemhat II or Senusret II, (c.), Stela of Hekaib (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, AP 78):

  19. {{quote|egy|nk n:D-s-A1 i-q:r D:d m r:Z1-f
  20. speaker, mouthpiece

  21. utterance, statement

  22. especially, ritual utterance, spell

  23. language, manner of speech

  24. opening, hole

  25. bodily orifice, opening of the human body in general, including eyes, ears, nostrils, the vulva, and open wounds

  26. entrance to a building, doorway

  27. entrance to a land or place in general

  28. mouth of a river

  29. water’s edge, waterline

  30. place or thing seen as an opening from one point to another, passage, thoroughfare

  31. (topics) a measure of volume equivalent to (frac) of a (m) or (frac) of a (m) (about 15 millilitres); mouthful

  32. part, piece, fraction

  33. (ngd)

  34. 12th Dynasty, Siut Tomb I, 285, published in Griffith, Francis Llewellyn, ''The inscriptions of Siûṭ and Dêr Rîfeh'':

  35. (quote)
  36. regarding, respect to, concerning, to

  37. order to, for (the purpose of)

  38. to, towards

  39. headed for, destined for, bound for

  40. at, in, on

  41. against, in opposition to

  42. from, apart from (''ablative'')

  43. than, by comparison to

  44. (label) (ngd); if, when, as

  45. until

  46. so, regarding (that, you, me, etc.), for (that, you, me, etc.)

  47. (non-gloss definition)

  48. (romanization of)

  49. (cmn-pinyin of)

  50. (Latn-def)

  51. (Latn-def) ''It is preceded by (l) and followed by (l). Its traditional name is (l).''

  52. The 23rd letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by (l) and followed by (l).

  53. (tl-letter-def)

  54. (tl-letter-def)